

In order to be a part of Key Club, all members are required to pay dues. However, not every member is aware of the importance of paying dues, and what their money goes toward. In short, dues are what keep this International organization running! They pay for publications put forth by Key Club International, MinnDak District events and materials, and club officer training. All of this costs money, and since all members benefit from these things, all members are thereby required to give a little bit of money at the beginning of each year. Key Club dues in the MinnDak District, per person annually, are at least $12.50. $7 go to Key Club International, and the other $5.50 go to the MinnDak District. Additionally, as a club, each Key Club can charge an additional amount that they find reasonable on top of that $12.50. If these dues are not submitted to Key Club International by the deadline (December 1, 2023), unpaid Key Clubs will be suspended, and will no longer be considered in good standing. If dues are not paid for three years straight, that club will no longer be an official club that is recognized by the District. To learn more about dues and how to pay them, please visit the MinnDak Key Club website page on Dues at https://minndakkeyclub.org/dues.

Applying to College

Applying to College

Officer Training

Officer Training