ICON 2024 Information

The 2024 International Convention will be held next July in Atlanta, Georgia!

Fill out this form if you’re planning to attend ICON 2024, Use this form to register for the MinnDak District Tour to Atlanta, GA. 


Why Come to ICON 2024?

1) Have a Wonderful Experience

Our whole trip is about a week long, and you’ll get to meet Key Clubbers from across the country!

2) Listen to Amazing Guest Speakers

There are inspirational guest speakers each day at the convention. Listen to their story and learn about their passion.

3) Travel with your District

This is great way to meet new Key Clubbers in the district and actually bond with them on the trip!

4) Site seeing 

Going to a new places and exploring the U.S. is always fun. Come to ICON to see what Atlanta has to offer!

What's the Purpose of ICON?

1) Elect your next International Key Club Board

Did you know we have an International Key Club board? We will be electing our next International Board! Join us to help vote in the next board!

2) Bond with your People

There will be hundreds of Key Clubbers just like you! Meet them from all over the nation and trade pins!

3) District Training + Workshops

Of course there will be training sessions everyone can attend, but also workshops! There is always something new to learn about at ICON! 

4) Make Memories

For seniors in high school, this may be your last Key Club event, so make it count and have an amazing time! 

As for other Key Clubbers, this is a search for your passion for Key Club or a way to share your passion of Key Club to everyone else!