Circle K for Seniors

Circle K for Seniors

Circle K is a student-led organization that is also a part of the Kiwanis Family. This is the collegiate branch of Kiwanis that gives opportunities for those in college that still want to be a part of the family to do service projects and develop leadership skills even further.

For seniors, why Circle K? Well, this gives you the opportunity to continue your journey as a young leader making a difference in the world. Additionally, being part of the Kiwanis Family gives you the opportunity to meet new people and make lifelong friendships. 

There’s a lot of Circle Ks in the MinnDak District, as well as everywhere else. You can go to, click membership, join or start a club, then click find a club to find a CKI in the school you plan on going to. If there isn’t a club in your area, you can click start a club to start one in your school. We hope to see you joining a Circle K!

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