Growth and Membership Retention

Growth and Membership Retention

Keeping a Key Club active and efficient can be a lot of work; whether it be organizing events or planning meetings, there is always something new that needs to be accomplished. While everything mentioned is essential to a functioning Key Club, there is another very important aspect of your club that must be prioritized. The pandemic has severely disrupted membership growth and retention within the MinnDak District— but do not worry— you can help! 

Making club growth a priority and goal within your club is an easy way to make a larger impact on your community. The more volunteers, the better! A fun way to attract more members is to create and display posters about events or opportunities around your school and community. Mentioning that these volunteering opportunities are open to anyone will help raise awareness, not only of the event, but also of your club. Another fun way to engage your schoolmates is by holding interest meetings. These meetings would just be a short introduction and review of what Key Club is, along with the various organizations your club has volunteered for successfully in the past. You can always spice it up with fun icebreakers, snacks, and music!

Though membership retention may seem tricky at first, there are a few simple ways that could help get you and your club started on your journey to stability! It has been especially hard to keep members engaged over a virtual platform, but if possible, hold a Key Club social outside! You could sell various goodies to fundraise for a particular cause as well. If this isn’t a viable option, virtual game or movie nights have worked wonderfully in the past. Last but not least, make an attempt to make meetings lively; try not to just read off of slides— make it engaging! Good luck, and happy volunteering!

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