The District Board

The District Board

Are you interested in serving on our District Board?

Do you have a passion for Key Club? Then serving on the MinnDak District Board might be for you! Organize events and meet others from our district at district events like Fall Rally and The District Convention (DCON). At DCON is where you can run for a District position, so contact your LTG for DCON 2020 information. If you have any questions regarding the MinnDak District Board positions email the District Secretary Salestina Alitz or the District Bulletin Editor Anne Lougheed

Lieutenant Governors(LTGs/Liaisons)- LTGs are responsible for working the clubs that fall under their division. LTGs responsibilities are to be in contact with clubs in their division by sending out updates through a monthly newsletter, weekly emails, and possibly visiting clubs! They must also set up an officer training for their clubs to teach the club board how to carry out their duties. LTGs are also in committees which help the district by dividing up the work for events like DCON and Fall Rally, and there are other committees such as Membership Development and Kiwanis Family. 

District Treasurer- The District Treasurer sends out quarterly updates to the board, who are encouraged to send out to their clubs. As a District Treasurer you do everything money related. Your main focus is making sure all dues are turned in on time and reminding the board to help the clubs that need a little extra help. Along with dues you also deal with fundraisers, scholarships, and educating everyone about our service partners.

District Bulletin Editor(BE)- The job of the District Bulletin Editor is a very independent one with many responsibilities that can be adjusted to your schedule. The amount of effort you put in is truly the amount of effort you get back. To put it simply, the BE is in charge of the Minnesota-Dakotas's public image. Perfect for someone with a detailed eye and experience in graphic design, the District Editor makes the quarterly district publications and social media posts, leads the PR Committee, works on the website, and captures the moments within the MinnDak District throughout the year. This is truly a position that allows you to be creative, and grow your skills in graphic design. 

District Secretary-  The District Secretary also creates monthly newsletters with updates, creates Monthly Report Forms(MRF) for the LTGs to fill out, is the chair of the Review Committee, and creates a district directory with the club boards contact information. The secretary also works with club secretaries as they will out their club monthly report, by making a change, or walking them through the process. As District Secretary you are an executive officer on the board, with that you are a resource and a helpful hand to LTGs and others on the board. 

District Governor- The District Governor is the chairperson of all District Board proceedings and meetings. They are in charge of managing communication between members of the District Board, and also leads the Executive Committee, which is comprised of the Governor, Secretary, and Treasurer. They also work closely with members of the International Board to create and distribute new resources and ideas to members of the district. At the beginning of their term, they will be in charge of leading a district-wide effort to raise funds for a cause of their choice, known as the Governor’s Project. 

If you're looking for a position just like any of these, run at The District Convention in Fargo, ND from March 6-8th.

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