International Details

What is a District Pairing?

A district pairing is between three districts within Key Club International, in our case those districts are Minnesota-Dakotas, Michigan, and Kentucky-Tennessee. District pairings are decided on and managed on the International level, International Trustees are assigned their three districts and act as a liaison between their pairings and Key Club International. This year, our Trustee is Aspen Hess from the Florida District!

Our District Pairing 

International Trustee Aspen Hess

My name is Aspen Hess, and I am honored to be introducing myself as MinnDak’s International Trustee for the 2024-25 Service Year! I cannot say in words what an honor it was to be elected at this year's International Convention, or how thrilled I was to hear that I received THE BEST district pairing (which encompasses the MinnDak, Kentucky-Tennessee and Michigan Districts). Here’s some fun facts about me! I am a rising senior from the Florida District. Some of my hobbies include listening to music (recently my favorites have been Kendrick Lamar, the Cure, and the Weeknd), reading and language learning. Previously, I served as my club's Editor, then Lieutenant Governor, and now International Trustee. Here are some of my biggest goals for this term: Primarily, I aim to achieve a minimum of 10% membership growth within each district, particularly in light of this being our 100th Year of Key Club. To reasonably achieve this goal, I need your help. Let's use the momentum of this back-to-school period and push for membership growth as much as possible in our clubs, divisions and district overall. One thing that's crucial to know is that there will be no rechartering fees for clubs this year, and this year alone. If there are clubs in your division that can recharter, encourage them to do so ASAP. Additionally, another goal for my term is reaching out for board interaction as much as possible. Key Club wouldn't be Key Club without the friendships we get to make while serving, so I plan on reaching out regularly! The International Board, and specifically the 100th and International Convention Committee plan on hosting regular webinars and other opportunities to engage on the international level, so don’t miss out. Furthermore, each International Board member has the opportunity to serve on a couple of committees, which serve different purposes within KCI and make up the bulk of our work for the year. This year, I have the honor of serving as the 100th and ICON Committee Co-Chair, where our main objectives are to plan an effective, engaging International Conference (with a goal 1000 attendees) and increase outreach to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Key Club International. Also, I will be serving on the Executive Committee, where we will be working towards an international ten percent membership growth (bringing us to roughly 250,000 members) as well as other administrative goals. With all of that being written, I wanted to restate how excited I am, and let you know that I am always here if you need anything! I would love to hear from you all, whether it be thoughts or ideas on one of the goals I listed or just to introduce yourself. I'm available via text, email, and my Instagram is @aspenhess_. I can't wait to see what we accomplish this year!  

Kentucky-Tennessee Governor 

Jack Slaton

Hey Minndak! My name is Jack Slaton, and I serve as the Kentucky-Tennessee District Governor. As governor, one of my main responsibilities is to communicate and update our district with any information from myself or the International Board. I also work to promote our district project, the Ronald McDonald House.

Michigan District Governor 

Jenna Morrison

Hello MinnDak! My name is Jenna Morrison and I am currently serving as the Michigan District Governor. I am delighted to work with MinnDak in our district pairing! As the Michigan District Governor, I oversee over 90 clubs and over 5,000 members with the rest of our District Board. This includes managing our 5 committees, guiding lieutenant governor work, planning our district events, and more! This year, our Governor's Project is called Key Club Makes Waves. Through this project, the Michigan District hopes to work with the Thirst Project to help fight the global water crisis. I have loved serving as Governor so far, and cannot wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for the mighty Michigan district! 

2024-2025 International Board

Congratulations to the newly elected International Board, commonly reffered to as the iBoard! A special thank you to our past Trustee and new International President, David Robina! The iBoard serves all of Key Club and ensures the furture of KCI stands strong.

International Service Partners

Erika's Lighthouse

This nonprofit was created to raise awareness and support for students and educators with depression. They proudly stand with KCI, see how you and your club can get invloved by visiting this link!


Schoolhouse is an online tutoring program that anyone can either tutor or get tutoring in by simply applying on the website. Learn more by visiting their website linked here!

International Preferred Charities


UNICEF is ran through the United Nations and works exclusivley with children in develuping countries. It works to ensure basic humanitarian needs accross 150 countries with children in need. Learn more about getting invlolved by visiting this link

Thirst Project

The Thirst Project hopes to educate and provide resources to the next generation of leaders about the need for clean water across the globe. Visit their website to learn more, linked here!