

June 2024 

Start of summer strong with KCI!

Keeping Clubs Engaged Through the Summer

Although school has ended and many clubs have stopped their regular Key Club meetings, keeping your club engaged through service ideas and information within your community is still a good idea. You can consider continuing your regular meetings with your club, or you can limit it to a monthly basis instead of a more regular schedule. Either way, by doing so, you get students to engage in their community and their school over the summer. If it does not seem tangible for your club to continue meeting over the summer, then make sure you have a strong communication base for if certain service opportunities arise. Some good ones are Remind, GroupMe, Google Classroom, and Google Chat. You can always send out direct emails, but be mindful that many students don’t check their emails over the summer, so using separate apps can be more effective. Another extremely effective communication tool is social media. If you don’t have a club Instagram, MinnDak highly recommends you create one! Almost every teenager uses social media, especially Instagram, so it is a very direct form of communication. You can post club updates, service opportunities, or any other general information that pertains to your members and the community. Also, make sure that your members are following their divisional Lieutenant Governor’s Instagram and the MinnDak Instagram (@minndakkeyclub). Happy Summer Key Clubbers!

How to Connect With Kiwanis

As we wrap up the school year and head into summer, it's important to remember to continue on your service during your months off. As a Key Clubber, you can engage with our parent organization, Kiwanis International, for chances to participate in local community service projects! If you would like to connect with your local Kiwanis, check out their website or their Facebook page There, you can find out more about when local Kiwanis meetings and service projects are happening! You can also connect with Kiwanis at their annual convention, KCON, in July. Connecting with your local Kiwanis is an amazing way to continue growing your leadership skills and helping your community over the summer. 

Summer Service
A good summer service idea would be helping out at a local animal shelter: the summertime is a time of warmth and it would be great to spend time outside with animals in need of care. All you need for this is to reach out to your local shelter, then get some people to sign up and help out wherever they need it for a day! Another project would be having a Key Club booth at a local county fair- with this you can spread awareness for Key Club and maybe raise money for a charity while you are at it. To do this you need to get in contact with whoever runs your local fairs, then find a charity to support and have something to sell for cheap! (Lemonade or baked goods are always a good option). With the outdoors trend, we can carwash for a local charity; to keep money in the community. With this you need a spot to wash cars, and the necessary car washing supplies (access to running water, soap, sponges, towels, and a sign to advertise).

7B LTG position

Hey all. We all want you to know about the opening in division 7B for the position of lieutenant governor. You do not have to be from this area to fill the position. It is a great opportunity, and if you have the time you should take it! Please email for more information!


MinnDak District Board

July 2024 

It's summer but that doesn't mean Key Clubs have to stop along with the classes!

Getting Your Key Club Together Over the Summer 

As summer continues on and many clubs have stopped their regular Key Club meetings for the summer, serving your community doesn’t have to end with the school year! A few ideas for some engaging service projects to keep your members involved include things such as bagging groceries at your local grocery store, helping out at a local nursing home, staying in touch with your local Kiwanis club and help them out with their volunteering projects, volunteer at local parades, pack food for people in need, and so much more! Along with these service project ideas, to get members more interested in getting involved with volunteering with your Key Club, you can award members for their participation and contributions by having a member of the month, featuring them on social media, or in a newsletter. You can also organize friendly competitions for people to get the most volunteer hours with prizes!

Different Levels of Kiwanis

Even as a member of the Kiwanis family, it can be hard to navigate the plethora of branches and programs that make up Kiwanis. To make the most out of your Key Club experience, it’s important to know the ins and outs of Kiwanis International. 

Kiwanis International serves communities worldwide through numerous distinct branches, each tailored to different age groups. The core Kiwanis Clubs consist of adult members who spearhead local service projects and fundraising efforts. For college and university students, Circle K International (CKI) provides opportunities to develop leadership skills through community service. Key Club, the largest high school service organization globally, engages teenagers in leadership development and community service. Middle school and junior high students participate in Builders Club, learning the value of service and leadership at an earlier age. Moreover, K-Kids introduces elementary school children to community service, fostering a sense of caring and leadership from a young age. Additionally, Aktion Club is a unique branch that empowers adults with disabilities to develop initiative and leadership skills through service. Together, these branches create a continuum of service that allows individuals to remain engaged with Kiwanis throughout their lives, making a positive impact in their communities at every stage.

ICON review

Throughout July 10th-13th, some of our district board members were able to Go for Gold at the 2024 Key Club International Convention in Atlanta, Georgia! Throughout the week, we were able to gather and collaborate with other Key Club districts in the United States, as well as  internationally. So many fun events occurred within the convention as we did fun service projects, and of course… pin trade! Many inspirational speeches and advice were given by well known leaders, and even celebrities who include Rania Zuri, W.B. Sims, Evan Austin, Laurie Hernandez, and Ronnie Hawk! To improve and get more takeaways, we attended workshops to help serve you exceptionally, and to better understand our positions on the MinnDak district. Since it’s a new service year for KCI, we had the opportunity of electing our upcoming international board and hearing their goals and improvements to help Key Club overall. At the House of Delegates, a few amendments were passed by KCI. Please visit to learn more about the amendments that were proposed, and the rationale behind them. Towards the end of the convention, the recognition session took place where awards were presented. Two of our MinnDak District Board members, Secretary Melissa Juarez Best and Bulletin Editor Aly Johnson, were presented with the Robert F. Lucas Outstanding Lieutenant Governor award for their term as lieutenant governor last year! We then closed off the convention with a fun dance with all other Key Club attendees present.

After the 13th, the MinnDak tour took place from the 14th-15th as we adventured around Atlanta. On the first day, we explored all different sorts of roller coasters and rides at the Six Flags amusement park. The following day after, MinnDak went to where the secret formula for Coca Cola lies… The World of Coca Cola! At the World of Coca Cola, we were able to taste test different flavors of Coca Cola across different nations and regions! We even received the opportunity of taking a picture with the Coca Cola Polar Bear! A few hours later, MinnDak visited all sorts of sea life at the Georgia Aquarium.  

Plenty of fun memories and new bonds were made at this year's International Convention. We hope that this review of our experience encourages you to celebrate 100 years of service at our next Key Club International Convention in Orlando, Florida!


MinnDak District Board

January 2024

Happy New Year MinnDak! We are excited to keep working these next few months and to end on a bang!

What to Expect at DCON

Hey friends! I hope you have stayed safe and warm during this cold month of January! My name is Shelby Melin, and I am the district secretary. I would like to take this opportunity to get you excited for DCON!!! DCON will be hosted in Fargo, North Dakota March 22-24. Registration information can be found here. Some exciting things will be taking place at DCON this year! There will be elections, roundtables, workshops, an AMAZING keynote speaker, a dance, and so much more!! We will be discussing topics such as UNICEF, service projects, goal setting, and officer training! Our yearly talent show will take place at the governors banquet, as well as an awards ceremony! Remember to fill out contest forms for any member who deserves some recognition! I seriously can’t wait for March 22nd to come around the corner so I can see you all in the wonderful city of Fargo!!

MLK Day and why it’s Important

The third Monday of every year celebrates and honors Martin Luther King Jr. a man whose advocacy, activism, and resilience created impactful social change across the U.S. Martin Luther King's dedication to racial and social justice continues to guide meaningful change today. 

Monday, January 15th is not only a national holiday celebrating MLK but it is also deemed a national day of service to reflect MLK’s belief that “Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?” So The third Monday of every year Americans across the U.S. are encouraged to give back by volunteering in their communities. The observance of MlK day comes in many different forms. Communities gather to watch parades and participate in marches. People give back by engaging in service projects, whether contributing time at a local charity or helping with an educational initiative. Getting involved within your community is a great way to do something impactful to honor MLK's legacy. Volunteering on MLK day is a tangible way to express a commitment to the principles that he fought for. 

Monday, January 15th is a day celebrating the life and legacy of MLK However, it is important to recognize it is not only significant for its celebration of progress and social change but also for its opportunity to actively participate in an ongoing effort towards a more just and equitable society. Next MLK day, take it as an opportunity to participate and volunteer in your community, invest in a future with the principles of MLK, and continue to create a more just and compassionate society. I think MLK says it best, "Make a career of humanity. Commit yourself to the noble struggle for equal rights. You will make a better person of yourself, a greater nation of your country, and a finer world to live in." MlK day may only be once a year but his principles and the issues he fought for will never cease to be relevant. You can do small things every day to contribute to humanity and “ make a finer world to live in”. 

To learn more about the history of MLK Day and get involved follow these links,


MinnDak District Board

March 2024

I’m super excited to announce this is the LAST MONTH of our 2023-2024 board terms! DCON is THIS MONTH March 22-24 in Fargo! I am so honored to have served since last April and hope to keep contact with a lot of you! See you at DCON!


Hey Everyone! The 2024 District Convention is just around the corner and registration is finally available.  get ready for an amazing weekend in Fargo, North Dakota full of festivities and unforgettable memories. There are so many exciting events planned, stay tuned for keynote speakers, service projects and a dance. DCON is also an incredible opportunity for learning and expanding your involvement in key club. At DCON the new board is elected and You can run for a position on the district board. Running for district board is an incredible way to expand your involvement in Key Club and learn more about the district. There will be plenty of round tables to learn more about all the positions in the district like DEI chair, District Outreach, Gov’s Project, UNICEF, LTG, and Digital Design. Furthermore the officer training session at DCON will help your club run efficiently. Finally remember to check out the contests which range from Scrapbooks, Posters, Talents, Oratory and more Check out the Contest Page to learn more about how to apply, and all the different ways you or your club can receive recognition for service and skills. I can’t wait to see you all at DCON 2024 for amazing service amongst the stars.

Board Elections

With DCON coming up, it also brings the opportunity for you to run for a position on the district board! The district board has so many outlets for student leadership, so this is a great way to get involved and build your leadership skills. The board has four executive positions: Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, and Editor. The board also has 11 divisions that are managed by a lieutenant governor for each division. These lieutenant governors connect with 2-9 clubs on a regular basis to communicate information to the District and the International board. The board also has project specific chairs, including Governors Project, District Outreach, DEI, and Digital Design. Each term, the district governor chooses a project or nonprofit that the district will support and raise money for. The Governors Project chair manages this work and helps carry out our goals out. For the District Outreach chair, you plan monthly meetings with other districts so that the boards can connect and share ideas. DEI stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, so this chair works on making our district more inclusive towards all. The Digital Design chair makes graphics for the district and manages the district postcards. To find out more about each position, visit If you are interested in running for a position, first evaluate your availability for the upcoming year; Is this something you can and want to put time towards in the coming year? If yes, then read through the Candidates Welcome Letter and complete the Statement of Candidacy, located on the elections resources page. Then create a digital biosketch including why you would be a good candidate for the role, your hobbies, and why you want to do the role. This and other election forms should be submitted at the start of the district convention. All other information is located on the elections resources page so take a look through that. Also, the district board is open to answer any questions you have about running and the variety of positions. The District Board is such an amazing way to meet people from across the tri-state area, expand your leadership skills, and get more involved in this incredible organization. 

Valentine/ Love Inspired Service Projects

Hello MinnDak and happy (late) Valentines day! In the month of love it’s important we continue to spread OUR love of service. Service projects are our demonstration of our love for this activity so lets explore some love themed service projects. One simple service project is Letters of Love; this is the usage of the Letters of Love organization where you write letters with words of kindness and hope for others which the organization then helps distribute. You can also spread your love and appreciation by making small bags of candy or other trinkets and giving them to people in your school or community. This is especially impactful to those who often don’t receive loving words on the day to day like custodians, the lunch staff in your school, or even retail workers in your area. One last service project specifically for fundraising is candy grams or rose grams where your club buys low price candy and/or flowers and sells them for a higher price then the retail value to your classmates. You then deliver  them on the day of valentines and donate part of the proceeds to a charity of your choice or keep the profit to fund your club and your endeavors. Now that the month is almost over and Valentine’s day has passed let’s start thinking about next year! Service is all about love and our love for others so share that through your actions! When love is in the air, it’s always the season of service.

International progress + information

Did you know that Key Club is a sprawling organization that expands all the way out to an international level?

Key Club International is Key Club at its highest level, and even then, it is a student-run organization. The Key Club International board is made up of an International President, International Vice President and 11 International Trustees, all Key Clubs from various districts across the world. This board’s job is to help our districts thrive, help support our preferred charities and service partners, and expand Key Club on an international scale. The role of a trustee is the serve as the middle link between a district and international, MinnDak’s trustee is David Robaina (reachable at 

At its core, Key Club International has the same goals as every club. To provide service to our communities and help youth develop character and leadership skills.

DCON Payment

Hello there! My name is Shelby, and as most of you probably know I am the district secretary! I wanted to let you all know how your clubs can pay for DCON 2024!! For this year, DCON will cost a general member $270, and an advisor $390. This cost includes a 2 night stay in the Fargo Ramada Hotel, most meals, loaded sessions, and fun! After your club registers, an invoice will be sent to your club’s advisor. From there, your advisor will pay the invoice. It is up to your club on how to pay for the DCON costs. You may use your club's funds, look for sponsors such as your local Kiwanis club, or pay for it as an individual. Your club will be charged as a whole for the total costs. Please don't be afraid to reach out to or if you have any questions!!


MinnDak District Board


December 2023

December has been zooming fast! Can’t wait to see you all this spring! Check out the information below! Merry Christmas!


Had a blast at Fall Rally? Looking for an event to go to in the spring? Want to run for a District Board position? Want to do service projects with Key Clubbers from Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota? Want to blast off into outer space?

...Then you should come to DCON 2024!

DCON is MinnDak’s annual convention where we celebrate the achievements you all have made and prepare for another amazing year of service and youth leadership! In specific, we do service projects, elect the next district board, have roundtables and workshops, recognize your talents through contests and awards, have a dance, and so much more! DCON is filled with so many fun activities and is just a BLAST! DCON is March 22-24th in Fargo, North Dakota. More information will be coming regarding registration and activities. The MinnDak Board hopes to see you there!

December Kindness

Hello MinnDak and merry, almost, Christmas! This month is busy but it doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty we can do to show some December kindness! This time of year is perfect for festive and necessary projects. A perfect example is a coat drive, coat drives are incredibly beneficial to those in need, especially when living in the Midwest. To do a project like this all you need is good advertising and a place to donate. Collect coats from students and faculty and give them to people in need through a local homeless shelter or a program in need of coats. You can also do the same with mittens, hats, etc., all of which are incredibly valuable in freezing temperatures. Similar winter projects include things like a hot chocolate bar at your school with the proceeds going to a charity of your choice, ringing bells with the Salvation Army, or helping with the Toys for Tots organization/branch in your area! Service doesn’t stop for the cold so keep working and making a difference this holiday season!

Importance of DCMs

Do you ever feel overwhelmed because you feel like you have no clue what’s going on, or you panic because you’re confused about an assignment? Well lucky for you there are district monthly meetings that are held by your Lieutenant Governors! 

    Every month the LTGs schedule a time and date for their DCM that lasts, at most, half an hour. These meetings cover topics like what the District Board has been up too, upcoming events, or just chatting about things that are going on in home clubs. DCMs allow LTGs and their clubs to collaborate about service projects, chartering new clubs, and giving the clubs a time to ask questions. DCMs are super important to attend because it keeps you informed and up to date, as well as giving clubs the opportunity to grow relationships with people outside of their own school. 

DCMs are the perfect way to communicate and they are so easy to join. If you fill out the Doodle Poll that gets sent out by your LTG and put in dates that work best for you, the LTGs will do their best to work around everyones schedule and find the best date! The LTGs then send out a link for either a Zoom or Google Meet! It’s as simple as that! We encourage all of you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace the idea of “Communication is Key” through our DCMs! Happy Holidays! And keep on the look out for our Doodle Polls!

Helping Others Keep Warm

As the weather cools, now is an excellent opportunity to put your volunteer abilities to use and assist others. And while it is surprisingly warm for December in the Midwest, that does not mean you do not have options. Here are some ways you may help others and warm their hearts (and bodies) during winter.

Food for Thought

Volunteer at a food pantry, soup kitchen, or with Meals on Wheels.

Deliver a meal to an unsuspecting neighbor or friend.

Invite friends or acquaintances to a meal to celebrate the holidays if they can not make it to their families.

For Vehicles keep the gas tank full to prevent ice build-up.

Maintain a stocked emergency kit, complete with blankets, hats, and gloves.

Check your tires as in the winter, tires wear out more easily.

Hold a drive to collect coats, hats, gloves, and blankets. Donate to a local homeless shelter or nonprofit that can distribute those items. Use your hobbies, such as knitting or sewing, to make items!

Send letters to veterans at local areas like Veteran Hospitals. Go out of your way to make someone’s day! Send a handwritten letter to older relatives, it’ll mean more!

    No matter what you do, from this list or not, it’ll make a difference! Especially during the winter season, where temperatures and moods are down. Remember to bundle up and take care of yourself and others!

Checking the Website

The official MinnDak website can be a very handy tool. It offers information regarding your district board, the governors project, district events, and so much more! However, to be able to use the website to the best of your ability, you’ll have to know how to navigate it.

When you first open the MinnDak website, you’ll be greeted by the home page. This page is filled with quick links that give you easy access to some of our websites best information. If you can’t find what you’re looking for just yet, you can click on the 3 bars at the top of the screen. This will display all of the quick tabs available on the website. This includes the About tab, this leads you to information about Key Club, our service partners, and Kiwanis as a whole! Next is the Our District tab, this provides MinnDak specific information about how we make up our district board and ways to contact our board members. The News Article tab brings you to some of our districts articles. The Events tab showcases MinnDak’s in person events. The Finances tab provides information on dues and grants. The History tab brings you to our MinnDak Minute Archive. Finally, the resources tab provides any other helpful information that you or your club may need. All of this and more to come is available on MinnDak’s district website, you can find it at


MinnDak District Board

November 2023 

So much has happened this November! Fall Rally was earlier this month and it was so much fun! It included service projects, ropes courses, and so much more! Can’t wait for next year. Check out the recap further down in this letter. There’s some good information!

And, are you ready for snow? We aren't!

Service Projects, Where are they going?!

Hello MinnDak Key Clubbers!! We were so happy to see all of you at the 2023 Fall Rally! At Fall Rally we did a variety of things but the service projects were the star of the show. We first started with creating kindness rocks with fun and kind words or images! These have been left at YMCA Camp Ihduhapi for future campers! After that we created meals on wheels bags which will be used to pack food for those in need and then distributed! Our final project was bookmarks made with origami and decorated, these were then attached to autism awareness fact sheets to raise awareness for autism in America. These have been donated to libraries in southern Minnesota! We are so happy we could make a difference with all of you and are excited to introduce you all to new service projects in upcoming months!

Fall Rally Recap

It’s hard to believe that Fall Rally has already come and gone but I’m sure that everyone had an interstellar time! We blasted off with some service projects, our fellow astronauts started to decorate bags for Meals on Wheels and painting kindness ROCKS. We then sat down for some out-of-this world dinner And moved on to our next event, the cheer off! Division 2 ended up blowing away the competition and winning the event, they took home the spirit stick and will bring it back to Fall Rally next year. After that we moved on to our scavenger hunt, Division 4 moved at the speed of light and won! After all of our exciting events, we ended the night with some free time. Whether you danced the night away, sat by the fire or went to your cabin, I think we all can agree that the first day of Fall Rally had a great launch!

Day 2 of Fall Rally was as cool as Pluto. We ate breakfast in the dining hall and were introduced to our rocking committee chairs! They spoke on what they had accomplished so far and their plans for the rest of the term. We then got separated into random groups and participated in some cosmic low ropes courses. We took a quick break for lunch and then jumped back in with some high ropes courses. These high and low ropes courses were meant to help improve our teamwork skills, leadership abilities and have a little fun. After a long day of climbing into space, we broke into small groups for workshops. These included, How to get a Date, Levels of the racket. Ship, UNICEF, Service Project Ideas, Crazy Contests and Awards and Mental Health. After that we sat down for some stellar super and learned about the new district Outreach Chair and the Governors Project Chair. We then expanded our horizon by participating in the Diversity Circle. The purpose of this activity was to see that we are not alone in our struggles. We blasted off into officer training! Training opportunities  included: President, Vice President, Secretary, treasurer, Publicist/Webmaster/Editor, Grade Representatives, General Members and finally, one for the Advisors. To finish the night off,  we had a Service Slumber Party! We. Watched Space Buddies, made bookmarks to donate and had a great time.

And on our final day of Fall Rally, ate breakfast and talked about ICON in Anaheim California and DCON, which will be held in Fargo North Dakota. We went over the highlights of the weekend and climbed into our rocketships and flew home. I hope you had as much fun as I did at Fall Rally and I hope to see all of you at DCON!

Global Engagement Rally

The annual Key Club Global Engagement Rally is here! On November 18th at 6 p.m. CST, 38 countries will gather on Zoom to celebrate the strength of our passion for service, and interact with diverse leaders from across the globe. Anyone participating in Key Club may attend- advisors or members. While the registration for this event has closed- the following agenda can offer some insight into what will be taking place at this rally.

    For the opening session, keynote speaker Reena Ramani, a high school student from Alabama, is going to discuss her organization, Project ME. This organization promotes menstrual equity for schools in low-income countries who do not have the means to provide adequate period products. She is specifically creating an impact in Zambia, and will be talking more about it at the event. 

Furthermore, there will be three workshop time periods with many sessions to choose from during these time frames. For Block 1 at 6:30 p.m. CST, there will be Service Around the World with Trustee Alex Trinh and Caribbean-Atlantic District Gov. Synnovea-Storm Husbands, How to Use Key Club on Your College Applications with Ava Stamatakis, immediate past Key Club International trustee, and Spotlight on Key Club International Partners with Trustees Alyssa Kline and Ian Opel. 

At 7 p.m. CST, Block 2 will begin. Sessions include, Growing Your Club and Division with Trustees Allan An and Maya Tolentino. Then, Panel with the KCI District Governors, including Bahamas District Gov. Madison Forbes, California-Nevada-Hawaii District Gov. Justin Kuo, Eastern Canada District Gov. Manuela Dcunha, Florida District Gov. Ishitha Panguluri, Jamaica District Gov. Abigail Nembhard, New England and Bermuda District Gov. Condoleezza Dwuye, Pacific Northwest District Gov. Nola Stenstrom and Philippine Luzon District Gov. Jasper Vincent L. Biscocho.  And Lastly, Spotlight on non-traditional Key Clubs with Key Club International Vice President Maria Eileen Wheeler and Nebraska-Iowa District Gov. Carissa Andorf. 

The last block will take place at 7:40 p.m. CST, featuring sessions, Running for Higher Office with Key Club International President Kyle Hanson and Truly International Task Force Co-Chair Carissa Andorf.  The Key Club Experience in non-Districted Areas with Julianna Huang, Old Scona Academic Key Club, non-districted Western Canada and Kate Huang, Fushing Key Club President, Taiwan. And How International is Key Club International? with Key Club International Vice President Maria Eileen Wheeler and Trustee Ghabrielle Rhoden. 

The closing session will begin at 8:10 p.m. CST and features updates on Start Strong with Zambia. Then, the New Global Leadership Certificate course will be announced. Lastly, the theme will be revealed for the 2024 Key Club International Convention.

Overall, this is going to be an action packed event with many diverse members who can offer a new perspective on KCI. The rally will also provide great opportunities and information for furthering your Key Club journey. KCI hopes to see you all there!


MinnDak District Board

October 2023

Since it’s a very scary month, here’s a very scary question. Which is scarier: a Hand-burger (a hamburger but the patty is a hand) or a Sand-Witch (a witch who casts spells with sand )

Trick or Treat with UNICEF

Halloween is just around the corner and UNICEF is having their annual Trick or Treat for UNICEF that helps raise money and awareness for kids in need! UNICEF stands for the United Nations Children's Fund. They have been helping children in post-war China and Europe since 1946. Every year Trick or Treat for UNICEF takes place in the U.S., Canada, Hong Kong, Ireland, and Mexico. But what is Trick or Treat for UNICEF anyway? First, just print out the box cover and wrap it around a small box or canister (find the link at the end of this article). Then go around on Halloween night and talk about UNICEF and the difference they could make by donating, ask people to donate to your box, or use the QR code on your box. After that just collect your donations and send them to the address located on your wrapped box! You could also host an event to raise money for UNICEF. Like a movie night (that's what Two Rivers High School Key Club is doing), a costume contest, or a Trunk or Treat! Think outside the box and help raise money and awareness for UNICEF this Halloween!

Spooky Ways to Help your Community

Looking for fun spooky ways to help out your community? Well here are some ways to stay in spirit while helping out. You can go pumpkin carving which can bring a lot of funds to a nonprofit organization. Another thing you could do is Trick or Treat with unicef, instead of going trick or treating for candy you could carry a little box that unicef provides and trick or treat for money instead. The money would go to a shelter or any chosen unicef location. (unicef is a nonprofit organization that helps raise money for areas which are less fortunate). Did you also notice the leaves falling? The season is changing and it's starting to feel more like fall, so what better way to get into the fall spirit than to help out your community and help rake the leaves!

Fun Things that religions and schools have been doing this month

The District board hopes all you Key Clubbers are enjoying the spooky season! To make sure everyone can enjoy it as much as we do, many clubs have been busy doing amazing service projects to help out others. The Columbia Heights club recently volunteered at their local Walk to End Alzheimer’s fundraiser! Another club also participated in a charitable walk, Willmar Key Club. It was the Out of the Darkness Community walk, which fundraiser money towards suicide prevention. They raised a total of $140! Nice job Willmar and Columbia Heights Key Club! The Chaska Key Club recently cleaned up garbage along a nearby highway. This helped the environment, animals, and the appearance of the highway. Thank you for your dedication! Continue to do the amazing things you do!

Fall Rally

Pumpkins, sweaters, halloween, and pretty colors are all things we think about when it comes to fall. But this season you have a chance to make it more than that. Fall Rally is an event held by the MinnDak Key Club board November 3rd-5th at Camp Iduhapi in MN! There are so many reasons why you should attend!

Fall Rally is all about service and doing things for others. This year at Fall Rally we will be painting rocks for the camp in the summer, making bookmarks for an autism center, and decorating the bags for the organization Meals on Wheels! This event is a great way to get lots of service hours!

Along with all our service projects, we will do roundtables and workshops! We teach you about the different positions in Key Club and how you can do your job well. We also talk about small topics like how to present yourself, and service project ideas! SO many things to learn!

Fall Rally builds relationships. Meeting new people is so much fun! At Fall Rally there are so many opportunities for this, like on the high and low ropes courses, roasting s’mores by the fire, laughing in your cabins, watching the sunset on the lake, or at our service projects. Be apart of something bigger than yourself this season.


MinnDak District Board

August 2023

        School is underway and the leaves have begun to change. Our service year has officially started and the fun has begun! My first week was a wild ride and I assume yours was too! I’m so excited to continue speaking to all of you and to see how your August went! 

Fall Rally Service Projects

Fall Rally has many highlights but one that stands out is our amazing annual Service Projects! This year the district board and service planning committee has been hard at work organizing and planning the 3 projects that will be done at Fall Rally. We officially have determined these projects which are Kindness Rocks, Bookmarks for Autism awareness, and Meals on Wheels bags! These projects are both fun and helpful to those around us.

        Our first project is Kindness Rocks which include painting rocks with kind quotes, words of affirmation, and adorable designs. These rocks will then be distributed to an outdoor space to bring joy to others for time to come! 

        The second project is our bookmarks! These bookmarks are made using construction paper and formed following simple origami instructions. After the initial creation of these bookmarks they can be decorated to your heart's desire and will be donated to an Autism charity after the Fall Rally! 

        Last, but not least, our final project is Meals on Wheels bags! This is the decorating of brown paper bags which many of us remember packing lunches in as children! Our district will be going through the Meals on Wheels organization to which our decorated bags will be donated to. These bags then are used to pack meals for those in need!

        This Fall Rally is going to be a blast! Our service projects are simply out of this world. We hope to see you all at this year's Fall Rally from November 3-5 which will be filled with new people, new memories, and, of course, service opportunities and projects! 

Committee Chair Recap


They are currently working on goal setting for what they want to post on MinnDak’s social media and how frequently. They have made the Fall Rally promo videos and created a posting schedule for them to release biweekly. We’re starting to map out all of the social media posts we’ll be making leading up to Fall Rally (packing list, workshops offered, etc.)

Event Planning Committee

The Event Planning Committee is working on space-themed activities and decorations for Fall Rally. They have also discussed a RICA chart, and their goals as a committee. Their next meeting will decide important information about Fall Rally.


The K-Fam Committee has made descriptions for each branch of Kiwanis and made a map of the club for the website. They are in the process of making Mindak minute interviews every month. They are currently working on reaching out to all the clubs in our district to have solid communication, and are working on chartering a builders club.


The review committee has created a strategic plan for the year to help keep us on track! Their next two big projects are creating biweekly bylaw instagram posts and updating the daily bylaw for this year!

Membership Development 

The Membership Development committee is currently brainstorming new ideas to gain more members. They are also in the process of a club reactivation/charter, and will soon talk about two more clubs that need to be chartered.

Service Projects

The Service Project committee has several service projects planned for the upcoming Fall Rally (See the article above). They also have complete communication with suppliers for those projects in preparation for Fall Rally. They are just working on any issues that may potentially arise and should be ready by the time Fall Rally comes around. 

KCON recap & new bylaws

August was a busy time for our district board! From planning fall rally to attending KCON, our board was busy with all sorts of things! Our lovely kiwanians invited our district board to attend their district convention, or KCON. It was held in St. Cloud, MN. We had fun activities like workshops, keynote speakers, a picnic in the park, a service project, and much much more!!

Our board also used our time in St. Cloud to plan and promote fall rally! We worked out all the kinks and planned fun, engaging activities for fall rally! We spent time creating promotion videos, and spent time bonding as a board. Overall, I would say KCON was a success! 

KCON also meant changes to our bylaws. Because Kiwanis is our parent organization, all bylaw changes must be passed through them. Our bylaw changes were voted on at KCON, and they passed! Some of the main changes included removing the term “liaison” and replacing it with lieutenant governor, increasing our dues by one dollar, and removal of one committee. Our district dues are now $6.50.

New District Outreach Chair Info

"Hello, MinnDak!

I am Willa Vogen, your District Outreach Chair! This position is a new addition to the MinnDak board so it is very exciting! Within this new position, I will collaborate with other districts to build international ties, support other Key Clubbers, and adopt ideas to better our mighty MinnDak district. MinnDak has already collaborated with the Pennsylvania District in August and we look forward to connecting with the Indiana District later this month!

Outside of Key Club, I am a club and high school swimmer and nordic skier. I am also in National Honors Society and Digital Well-being club.

Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. I am so excited for the rest of this term! I hope to see you all at Fall Rally!"


MinnDak District Board

June 2023


This is our first newsletter! It will cover various topics like how to stay engaged over the summer, the new UNICEF position, and more. Please read it over and contact me if you have any concerns, questions, or just want to say hi!

Sending in New Contact Information 

If you are part of a Division, please send me an email or text message with your name, email, and school! I really need all of the club board members contacts, but I would also love to here from anyone else! 

Keeping Engaged Over the Summer 

Summer is finally here, which means that engagement is going to decline, and can lead to a drop in membership. The way that we can combat this is through keeping club members engaged throughout the summer. It also boosts club morale and helps strengthen the community! 

One way that we can keep clubs engaged over the summer is by doing service projects. Service projects are a great way to help your community and build engagement. There is a list of service projects that you can choose from in a different section of the newsletter. If none of the service projects are appealing/applicable feel free to create your own service project to fit the needs of your club and community. 

Communication is also a large part of club connectivity, and especially over the summer when there are no regular meetings. Try reaching out to club members (whether that be through email, google classroom, or whichever communication device your club uses) and keep them informed about anything important, or potential service projects that they could be a part of.  

Builders Club

What is Builders Club?

Builders Club is a student-led service organization group that middle schoolers are able to be involved in. Builders Clubs are made up of students that are committed to service. Members of Builders Clubs are required to meet often to plan service projects, event planning, etc. 

Why is Builders Club so important?

Builders Club helps students develop qualities such as leadership, skills, and relationships at youth. While these leaders develop these qualities, they’ll also find ways to collaborate with others, devotion to serving their community, as well as leading their peers. The purpose of Builders Club is to develop guidance and leadership through communities and schools. We serve others with purpose!

How can you start a Builders Club?

First, find a Kiwanis Club. Second, set aside funds to jump start your club. Third, encourage people to join as well as find advisors!  Fourth, choose your charter officers and recruit your charter members. Fifth, you must complete a charter petition. Sixth, once you have your official club supplies and charter, have a charter ceremony! If you have questions or concerns, please visit or email

UNICEF Representative  

What is UNICEF?

UNICEF is non-profit and non-governmental organization that helps children around the world. Their mission is to help children from a early childhood to teenagehood survive and thrive in life. Some of the things they do include safe water, quality education, the protection of children and adolescents from violence, and much more. They are also the world’s largest vaccine provider and are in over 190 countries and territories around the world. They are also one of the preferred charities and new partner with Key club. 

What does a UNICEF Representative do?

A UNICEF Representative is on the district board. They attend international and district board meetings. Along with organizing events, projects, and board meetings with UNICEF and the board. They communicate a lot with others and it is very constant. This is also a new position this year!

Who is our Representative?

Our new UNICEF representative is Nawal Hassan is a rising junior from Two Rivers High School in Minnesota. She has been in Key club for 2 years and is also the club secretary this term. In her free time she likes to hike and play basketball. Along with taking trips to the library and finding great books to read. She also likes collecting rocks in forests around Minnesota. Her favorite part about Key Club is getting to meet new people and give back to the community. She chose to be in this position because its a good opportunity to give back to the community. She also likes the organization, UNICEF, that is able to give back and help her see herself helping others.

Service Activities and Ideas

1- Animal shelter service project

Donate items such as blankets/towels, pet toys, pet food, ect. To local animal shelters. You can also volunteer at some shelters and spend time with the animals. Contact your local animal shelters to see how you can get involved at the specific location. 

2- Clean Parks

Everyone loves to enjoy the nice weather outside, especially at parks. Gather some friends and family and get together to help clean up a local park. You can pick up some garbage lying around, and you may also be able to plant trees/ flowers. 

3- Summer clothing drive 

With the hot weather in summer, everyone needs a new wardrobe. Collect some summer necessities like shorts, t-shirts, tank tops, sun screen, water bottles, sunglasses ect. And donate them to people in need. 

MinnDak Socials

Twitter - @minndak.keyclub

Instagram - @minndak.keyclub

Tiktok - @minndakkeyclub

Website -

Facebook - MinnDak Key Club District

Snapchat - @minndakkeyclub

YouTube - MinnDak Key Club


MinnDak District Board

July 2023

            This month was filled with fun things for our district and for our summers! I hope we all had an amazing fourth of July, ICON, and, of course, national hot dog day. I am so excited for the rest of this year, our board is working hard for everyone. I am so happy to have been able to help on a district level and to continue for the rest of this service year! Now that fall rally is on the horizon we are ramped up on preparing! 

Hanging out with Key Club!

Summer involves swimming, vacations, and having a BLAST! But… just because school is out doesn’t mean Key Club pushes pause! Service is super important to so many clubs and people throughout MinnDak. As we go throughout the year, we want you to feel comfortable staying in contact with us! There are multiple ways in which you can stay in the loop! 

Check your email! It’s just a click away! Taking a few minutes out of your day to read through our latest messages is not only super easy, but it’s super important! We love hearing back from you!

Check out our instagrams! Each of your divisions has its own instagram page that contains updates, upcoming events, and other important content. Go like our latest posts and share!

Serve! We love to see what you are up to in the Key Club community. The MinnDak website has countless ideas and opportunities to serve. Grab some friends and family and serve your community!

The Different Levels of Kiwanis

K-Kids: K-Kids is the largest service organization for elementary school students with over 1,000 clubs globally that students can get involved in. In K-Kids, students do plenty of activities and service projects which helps them develop passion for service at youth. K-Kids is important because it shows kids core values. These core values include character building, leadership, inclusiveness, and caring. While students inherit these core values, they’re on their way to becoming young leaders who are able to collaborate with others and show commitment to the world!

Bring Up Grades: Bring Up Grades (BUG) is created to help recognize elementary students who have high grades or are working to raise their grades throughout each grading period. Students push themselves to their fullest to strive for academic success which helps build up characteristics such as self confidence, determination, and stamina. BUG recognizes these students with fun rewards such as being placed on BUG Honor Roll, pizza, ice cream, certificates, and buttons!

Builders Club:  Builders Club is a student-led service organization group that middle schoolers are able to be involved in. Builders Clubs are made up of students that are committed to service. Members of Builders Clubs are required to meet often to plan service projects, event planning, etc. Builders Club helps students develop qualities such as leadership, skills, and relationships. While these leaders develop these qualities, they'll also find ways to collaborate with others, devotion to serving their community, as well as leading their peers. The purpose of Builders Club is to develop guidance and leadership through communities and schools!

Circle K: Circle K International (CKI) is a college and university self-governing organization that prioritizes community service, leadership development, and friendship. All of those qualities and characteristics are used to meet other college students around the world who share the same interests. Each Circle K Club is sponsored by a Kiwanis Club on campus. CKI does things independently such as elect their own officers, direct meetings, and come up with service projects/ideas. After high school, joining Circle K at your college/university is the way to go!

Akiton Club: Akiton Club is the one and only club that offers community service for adults with disabilities with over 12,000 members worldwide. While enabling their integration into society, members in Akiton Club develop creativity and leadership skills in serving others worldwide. With Akiton Club, there’s a variety of ability levels. It’s a major part of why Akiton Club is such a distinct, diverse, and unique community!

Divisional Dues Increase

Here's an update regarding the divisional dues, which will affect all members of our organization.

Due to the impact of inflation on our operational costs and resources, the decision has been made to increase the divisional dues from $5.50 to $6.50 per member.

The reason behind this increase is to ensure smooth functioning and growth of the MinnDak District! While we understand that any change in dues might cause concerns, we want to assure you that this decision was made by the delegates of your division during this past District Convention.

We value each member's contribution and participation within the organization, and we are committed to utilizing the increased dues responsibly and transparently to benefit everyone.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this dues increase or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to the District Board. We are here to address any queries you may have!

MinnDak Socials

Twitter - @minndak.keyclub 

Instagram - @minndak.keyclub

Tiktok - @minndakkeyclub

Website -

Facebook - MinnDak Key Club District

Snapchat - @minndakkeyclub

YouTube - MinnDak Key Club


MinnDak District Board